Do’s and Don’ts – negotiable (N) or not (NN)?



Here’s my list, in all it’s glory. It is highly possible and probable that some of the Do’s will be mirror opposites in the Don’ts, never mind, it’s ok to do that. Let’s get the non-beliefs out of the way. Oh I am open to discussing these at any point prior to posting the bigger individual post on each one. I have already covered A1 and B1, will be working on more shortly, in between random thoughts on other subjects or interests and I will add to the lists as I think about them.

A) I do not:believe:

  1. in god, a creator or the bible.
  2. in feminism. Feminism has kill male/female relationships
  3. that motherhood and careers can be combined successfully.
  4. there is anything wrong with same sex parenting

B) I do believe:

  1. sexuality is genetic or at least have an Epigenetic Key
  2. believe Aspergers/Autism is an evolutionary advancement not a disorder
  3. in male head of household relationships
  4. in the spirit world
  5. People are responsible for where they are in life. It is about choices.
  6. there are no rights and wrongs almost everything is perception.
  7. there is no such thing as a democracy, it is idealism and non-functional.
  8. the highest ranking people in the world are mostly the most corrupt.
  9. in life on other planets

Why do Aussie’s dis Americans?


Just booked my flight to California. I have never been there but I have heard a lot from people who have, family members and friends.

I can’t wait I am so excited about it. 3 full weeks on West Coast. WOW!!!

Will be leaving end of year. Not the best time to be going but flights are cheaper than and I am on a restricted budget.

I would really like to live there permanently I think. I like the people and they don’t have this bloody tall poppy syndrome that we have. God I hate that. Build them up and then when they make it, search relentlessly to bring them down. WTF is that all about?  Well Australians make an art of it.

In this country, people treat Americans badly. I have no clue why. Australians are so damned rude (and that comes from someone who was born here – me)

What is the problem that Aussies have with Americans. I have never been able to figure that out.  Every single American I have met or talked to are really welcoming and friendly people. In Amrican they love Aussies but in Oz the opposite seems to be true. Why?????????

If you have an answer to that I would love to hear from you. But please leave your racism behind I will delete you if you don’t.

If I could, would I?


Would I if I could?

I am an Aspie. For those who do not know what an Aspie is, it is someone who has a different way of processing information than so called normal or mainstream people. We, in the club, call those people Neuro-typicals or NT’s. This difference is called Aspergers. Now if you look online or in a medical book, it is followed by the word “Syndrome. I don’t add that word because it implies that I have a “condition” or disability”. I don’t!



Now the question posed to me was, “If I could change being an Aspie, would I?”

I had to laugh a bit. I mean even asking that question is bloody presumptuous don’t you think? So i answered his question with one of my own.  Would you change being an NT if you could?

The person answered “Of course not”. Now what did that answer imply I ask you?

I ended the conversation quickly when he looked at me rather blankly and said “Why would I want to do that?, because it was clear to me that the guy was clearly shortchanged in the intellect department but then I realised he was just buying into stereotypical views of what Aspergers is. Can’t blame him really, even people with Medical Degrees are not clued up yet. So I am going to try to answer the question and hopefully help to change that somewhat screwed up view.

So would I change if I could?

normal once

Firstly, change to what?  An NT? I sincerely can not see any benefit to me in doing that except perhaps that I would blend into a crowd a bit better. But why would I want to become something totally different to what I am?

I have to ask if NT’s actually understand that they are really quite alien to me. Now lets assume aliens, say Martians  actually existed and I’m not saying they do or they don’t, that is cause for another post, but if they did, would anyone ask a NT Human, “Would you prefer to be a Martian?.  I doubt it would ever come up and that is because the perception of Humans and Martians is one of complete separateness. People don’t think of Martians as “Human with a syndrome or disability”.

I don’t see myself that way either. NT’s and Aspies are completely separate or, at the most, on different evolutionary level of overall human-ness of them both. Did that sentence actually make any sense?

The only difference between the comparison of the Human/Martian example and the Aspie/NT example is that I have to share a planet with NT’s and I’m in a distinct minority (but that will change in time), and that fact, coupled with NT’s inconceivable notion that Asstrengthspies are incomplete or damaged NT’s, puts me at an extreme disadvantage.

To change my Aspie-ness is to change in its entirety who I am because it is who I am,  not just a part of me.  Why, in all that is rational, would I do that?

i am not the only person who thinks this way. Check out this website for more information.